The Art of Becoming Unstuck

I haven’t been posting in a while because of other projects that are underway. However, that will soon change and normal service will be resumed. In the meantime here are two thoughts I have been reminded of while working recently.

  1. If you have been abused begin each new task you have to complete by considering what help is available. If you feel inclined not to ask for help, even if you know that it is available, think again. Old and misleading feelings that you don’t need help or that you don’t deserve it may be affecting your decision.
  2. While completing tasks try to hold as little in your mind as possible. In stressful situations you might be likely to forget things, confuse things, contradict yourself or say things that are not true. If you have not intended to lie and have no physical injuries or neurological problems resulting from illness your mind is probably ‘overloaded’. It can only deal with so much, so give it as little to deal with as you can. Your capacity to remember things will very likely increase if you receive help with any ongoing symptoms related to what happened to you.
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