The Art of Becoming Unstuck


Order your material things (and I mean everything) and things you can easily get hold of like dates of special events so that they make sense not just to you but to someone who you like who seems organised. Use your imagination to work out what this would be like. Sort, gather, sift, arrange, label, box, hang, or fold the whole lot. Give everything that you and other people can easily see a place in your life.

Then you can move on to the things that only you can see or feel.

Care structures things and too much of it or not enough of it in your early can leave you with unhelpful things happening in the way that you order your life. Things get lost, overlooked, damaged or forgotten, presenting you and others with a regular source of frustration. If you are a TV station your continuity person has gone missing. The producer’s drunk. The station cat is in charge.

Think about where care comes from. What it might be all about and how people, for thousands of years, have tried to recognise its force and effects.

The word ‘care’ comes from a very old word meaning to call or to shout. Allowing yourself to speak about your frustration, to call out the things which need attention, is essential.

But before you can do that something else needs to happen. People who experience frustration in their life are generally bad at collecting themselves. Their experiences, their interests, their thoughts: all of these things tend to be scattered and aren’t things you can see or touch easily. They’re like ghosts of wild cats. They remain unreceived, not properly picked up on because something about their occurrence has gone unnoticed.

Begin by ordering the things that you can see and touch and then move onto the cat ghosts.

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